We always strive to achieve excellency in our final output in order to offer the best value for our esteemed clients.
Hotel API Integrations
With Admirable Technologies’s XML API, B2B and B2C websites can create a powerful online booking system. After all, it comes with options that help for integration of multiple hotel XMLs including DOTW, Hotelbeds and Hotelspro, thus providing your visitors with access to global hotel inventories.
Tour API Integrations
Utilizing Our XML API, tour and travel companies – let it be B2B or B2C – can connect their web pages to our’s systems via Rayna Tours, GTA Transfers, and GTA Tours. While it allows B2B websites as well as their clients to view reports & check booking, cancellation and invoicing details.
Payment Gateway Integration
Admirable Technologies’s XML API enables to integrate Payment Getaway application with clients’ websites and online portals to manage payments and process credit cards in a simple yet safe manner.